Simple, straightforward tips on how to design a good call to action. Great stuff. →
Getting Started with jQuery
Good resource for grasping some basics of jQuery. Will be reading this in detail shortly. →
PNG/JPEG/GIF optimizer for Mac OS X. Gotta check this out. →
Independent Study Proves Effectiveness of Rosetta Stone Software
Research: Independent Study Proves Effectiveness of Rosetta Stone Software | Rosetta Stone. Cool stuff from Rosetta Stone - it really does work!
Ten things that annoy me on Twitter
Jeff Croft rants about how some people use Twitter. Some funny, but true stuff in here. →
The Clear War by Kevin Mattice
Kevin Mattice writes an excellent article about what happens when a project goes shady and what the role of UXD in that situation. →
Funny Comic About "The Fold"
The myth of the fold is one my design hot buttons, so this comic is right up my alley. :) Funny stuff. →
Mockingbird Wireframes
An online tool that makes it easy for you to create, link together, preview, and share mockups of your website or application. →
CSS Variables with PHP
Chris Coyier explains how to use PHP to set up some CSS variables. Seems simple enough, but powerful. Wouldn't mind trying this sometime soon. →
Build It With Me
Cool idea to connect designers with developers to work on cool projects. →
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Interaction Design
The folks over at UX Booth have put together a synopsis of what I do for a living. Good stuff. →
Netflix's "Reference Guide on our Freedom & Responsibility Culture"
This 128-slide deck is chock full of awesome. →