
Every night at the dinner table we all take turns saying what we are thankful for that day. Our hope is that it instills a thankful heart in our kids. Because like Madame Blueberry says, "A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart!" In our family, we're thankful every day all year round. But when Thanksgiving comes along, it does allow for a bit of extra thankfulness, no? Without further ado, the following are things I'm particularly thankful for this year:

God and His Providence, my wife, my son, my other son, my daughter, my brother and his wife, my mom, my wife's parents, my nieces, family, good friends, twitter pals, our house, working from home, a job that pays me to do what I love, good books, the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, my iMac, my iphone, future opportunities, football, my DVR, Adobe Fireworks, iced tea, swimming pool, dependable vehicles, clean water, my hammock, basketball, free thought, WordPress, Coda, MAMP, Quicksilver, homemade salsa, downtime, learning from mistakes, good health, Market Street, family movie night, socks without holes, a full pantry, ALMI, Chuy's, raking leaves and the sounds of my kids playing in the other room.