Double Standard

On Erik Young's blog, Soap and Education, he cautions that Obama is Not a Baby Killer. Erik makes a good point, and it reminds me of something I've been thinking about but have never said out loud or written down.

For the record, I hate abortion. I hate that even one little baby ever had to be killed. I'm against abortion and I definitely consider myself a Pro Life person.

But what does it mean to be Pro Life? To me, it means being against the destruction of any and all innocent life. I think most people Christians would be in agreement with that, right?

So why is it then that people that are concerned about killing innocent babies are pretty much indifferent to the killing of innocent lives during war? Most people just assume that its just one of those unfortunate aspects of war. Well, I don't think we should be so ambivalent about it like that.

Conservative American Christians won't even discuss sacred cow of abortion - there is no room for compromise. In truth, I agree with them on that. But how can those same people not also be outraged by the senseless murder - not only of soldiers (ours and theirs) - but of the innocent bystanders in villages and towns that "get in the way" of war?

As Christians, I believe we should make no distinction. Loss of life is loss of life, right? Does it matter if those lives were babies' or adults or American or Iraqi, Somalian or Bosnian?

To be clear - I support our troops. I've got a brother and a brother-in-law in the Air Force, so I support them. But what I can no longer support is the double standard that most Christians have when it comes to picking and choosing which lives matter most.

I'm quite sure God sees all of us humans the same. We are ALL his children and he loves ALL of us the same. Shouldn't we do the same and abhor the killing of innocent life, regardless of age or method?

Indeed we should.


So today we found out Barack Obama will become the first black President of the United States. Obama always talks about change, but we really have is a revolution - a social revolution. Does that mean things are magically going to get better overnight? No. Does it mean racism has been eradicated? Nope. Does that mean that every decision Obama makes will be right? Surely not. Does that mean that we're a better country today than we were yesterday? Not at all.

But we as a country are different now. We may not feel that much different. Nor may we really even act that much different going forward. And the change may not be measurable for years. That's because the people that this is going to impact the most are our children.

I am fortunate to have been raised to think that all men are created equal and I always treated black people the same as I treated white people growing up. But I have read much about the segregation, unfairness and even atrocities that happened as early as just a few years before I was born. I understand the significance of what happened yesterday.

However, our kids don't appreciate what a big deal it is that we just elected a black president. They can't fully grasp or understand the significance of it. This is good in that it shows that they don't think of people in terms of race or color. I think its awesome that their earliest memories of The President will be a black man. They will grow up differently in part because of that, I think.

I still think we have a significant job ahead of us, one we've already started, but definitely have not finished. We as parents need to continue to teach them about racism and remind them of the way it used to be. I'd like to teach our kids not only about the evils of racism, but of also of treating people different for any reason. I'd like them to grow to respect people from other religions and points of view.

The United States has been carrying around the burden of racism for a long time. Its a burden that we are characterized by in the view of the rest of the world. Its been a struggle pretty unique to our country. But today I think was the beginning of a quiet, unseen revolution that is only a small step toward shedding that burden for good.