Things I am thankful for this past year:
- God's love and grace
- A beautiful, intelligent, caring and selfless wife
- 3 awesome and fun kids
- A well-paying job that allows me to do what I love for a living
- Working from home
- My brother and his wife moved back to Texas
- Loving parents-in-law and a loving mom
- Playing chess with Gavin and Bennett
- Garage soccer with the kids
- Chloe being a big helper while cooking
- Good health
- Good friends
- Family game nights
- The neighborhood swimming pool
- A full pantry
- Books
- Quiet times with Cori
- Freedom to homeschool
- Freedom to not go to church
- Starbucks with Matt and lunches with Christian
- Our new car
- my iPhone
- my MacBook Pro
- Watching shows and football games on delay via our DVR
I'm also thankful for all the good food I plan on eating tomorrow. And a victory in the 2nd Annual Mallott-Rogers Thanksgiving Day Football Game. :)