Adventures in Chennai, Day Five

Today was my last day in India and even though I've had a good time, I am ready to come home! This has been an experience of a lifetime and I'd prefer if I only experience it once. :) It rained today for the first time since we arrived. Rain seems to exacerbate all the issues here - everything is harder, like they need things to be worse. I am thankful the consecutive days of rain and flooding happened the week before we got here instead of while we were here.

We are just killing some time right now at the hotel before leaving for the airport. A good time to reflect on the past several days. The real purpose for my visit here was to present some information and do training on Front-End Web Development. We've outsourced all of our web development and quality assurance to India and there was a pretty big knowledge gap concerning all things HTML and CSS. That's enough nerd talk for now, but suffice it to say that I think that aspect of the trip went well. That was the extent of what I gave. I received a great deal more than that.

In addition to getting to know the people I've been working with all these months, friendships were formed. I had the opportunity to see how another culture lives and it showed me how well off we are in the U.S. and how we have so much to be thankful for. There are a few specific things that happened while I was here that I would consider highlights of the trip that I'll never forget.

The Back Alley

Dave and I have been joking about it ever since the first day when we got "lost" down the back alley in the worst human conditions I have ever personally witnessed. I will never forget the poverty and the squalor.


I didn't get to play Cricket like I had hoped, but I did learn a new game. Playing Carom with Bala and Mani and Arun was quite fun. So fun, in fact, that today I bought some Carom checkers and a striker so I can build my own Carom board.


I will never forget the time I spent talking to Daos on the beach, giving U.S. coins to his kids as souvenirs, buying a handmade slingshot from him and taking pictures of his little boy that gave us the "kung fu" pose. He told us all about when the tsunami hit the area and how that impacted him. He still lives less than 100 yards from the water in a grass hut.

We'll be leaving here in an hour to go to the airport. After almost a full 24 hours of travel time later, I'll finally get home Wednesday night. I can't wait to walk in the front door, smell that "our home" smell and see those little faces and kiss that beautiful wife of mine that has been so patient while I've been gone.

In my next post, I'll include photos with some captions and hopefully bring to life some of these words.

Adventures in Chennai, Day Four

If you own a car in India, you are considered wealthy. A few of the people at the office have cars - the VPs and Directors. The vast majority of the rank and file only own a motorcycle or scooter. And really, motorcycle is probably the best way to get around in this traffic. Much faster than bikes and more nimble than a car. Today I got to experience first hand what its like to be on a motorcycle in this crazy traffic. Bala gave me a ride back to the hotel after work today. It was a short trip, but definitely intense. The horns are louder, the dust and smog more suffocating and the other vehicles - so much closer! It was pretty fun, but I definitely had to hold on tight. I had my camera with me but as I was taking my first picture, the bike lunged and from that point forward I was locked down with both hands.

It seems like my sleeping patterns have normalized. I'm able to fall asleep right away at night and sleep soundly all night. Last night, I actually dreamt - the first time since I got here. So, my body is adjusting just in time for me to come home and get everything out of whack again.

When I was talking to Gavin on the phone tonight he asked me what my favorite food has been so far while I've been here. Besides the breakfast buffet at the hotel and the room service french fries, I can't really say. Not because there wasn't one, but because I don't know remember the name of it. It was a sauce over some rice. It was at a place we ate at in Pondicherry. All the sauces and rices seem to blur together after a few days, although many of taste really good. I will be glad to get home to some home cooking soon, though.

Bennett blogged about me earlier today. That makes me miss home even more. I love that Bennett.

Some guys were telling us that national security in India isn't really up to snuff. Proof of this is the odd security measures we face every time we come back to the hotel. Before entering gate to the hotel parking lot, the driver has to stop and turn off the engine. Then two guards do a bomb sweep, which consists of a flashlight/mirror combo to look under the car. He also pops the hood and looks in the engine. Another guard opens trunk or back hatch and has his police dog sniff all the luggage. Seems like pretty good security, right?

Well, the next step is when we get out of the car, we have to hand our backpacks, hand bag, camera bag, etc to a guard and then walk through a metal detector while the guard "inspects" our bags. Every time I've walked through that metal detector, it has beeped and they just smile and wave me through. Also, the baggage guard opens the zipper of my backpack, but doesn't even look inside, then closes the zipper and hands it back to me.

It just seems odd that they would go to great lengths searching for a car bomb but then not be concerned at all with items being brought into the hotel. I can remember what it was like a week after 9-11. It doesn't seem like there's much panic or urgency, even given the attacks in Mumbai last week.

Speaking of last week. It has been exactly one week since we left. In many ways its seems like it was just a day or two ago and in other ways it seems like I've been here for much longer than a week.

This evening, we did some team building activities. We had a conference room at a hotel reserved and we had some food and played games. I wasn't sure what type of games to expect when I first heard about the idea, but turned out to be really fun - we played Pictionary and Guesstures. Most of the Indians I have met while I've been here are very quiet and reserved (except for this one guy, Rajesh - he's the class clown). But getting them all together and breaking them into teams to play Pictionary, that's a different story. They really opened up and were loud, animated and raucous. It was a fun time.

I'm trying to get this done before midnight, but it doesn't look like I'll make it. I'm really looking forward to sharing pictures. When I get back home and get settled, I'll definitely post several pictures on this blog and maybe even a couple of the short video clips I've snapped with the digital camera. That way, everyone can finally associate an image with the scenes I've been describing.

Adventures in Pondicherry, Day Two

Today started out great by being able to talk to Cori and the kids. Its been very hard only talking to them in the morning and at night. Those little chats are priceless. Before breakfast I went down to the front lobby/patio area and sat outside and read a book for a few minutes while I waited for the others to show up. It was a nice morning and it was neat to sit and read while watching the people walk by. The hotel was righ off the beach, so there was lots of busyness going on. Anywhere you look, you're likely to see a rooster, a dog, a goat, a cow, a water buffalo, a bicycle, a rickshaw, a scooter, a motorcycle, a car, a bus or a person. And many times you can see all of that in one camera frame. Its almost too much to take in sometimes, like sensory overload. If you like to people-watch, this is a great place for that.

After breakfast, we walked about a mile down the seawall road and walked out on a rock pier and watched the waves crash in from the Bay of Bengal. I could have sat there for hours watching the power of the sea. As we walked back to the hotel, we managed to find a couple of places to buy some souvenirs. Traversing these markets is crazy. So many people come up to you and want you to buy what they're selling. And they're so relentless its maddening. You try to be polite, but they are unphased. There are two guys in particular that have found us on both days and continued to push their products on us. Its funny, the guy selling laminated maps of India for some reason always spots Dave and won't leave him alone. For me, its the guy selling the hand-carved bongo drums. He has about 10 of the tied around his neck and walks around playing one. So it turned into a joke about Dave and his map guy and me and the little drummer boy.

Dave's a great guy and this trip wouldn't be nearly the good experience if he weren't here. Dave and I started at Rosetta Stone at the same time back in 2006 when we moved to Virginia. He, too, moved there from out of state (Rochester, NY) and so we both were living in Harrisonburg without our families for a period of time and and friendship grew out of that commonality. He's a bit older than me, but he's about the nicest guy you could meet.

We packed up our stuff and checked out of the hotel and met our driver to take us back to Chennai around noon. Just outside Pondicherry, we stopped at another temple, that was located on a huge estate of thousands of acres. We spent a couple hours there I think and finally started the long journey back to Chennai. This trip was probably the most stressful road trip I've ever been on. For some reason, our driver seemed to be overly agressive today; not sure why. Again, if wasn't passing someone, he was honking, if he wasn't honking, he was flashing his brights. It exhausts me to just sit as a passenger in the back watching it all, I can't imagine how exhausting it is to be the driver. Maybe that's why he was in a hurry just to get the trip over with.

The familiar combo of rooster, dog, cow, person, bike, motorcycle, rickshaw, car, bus are very prominent on the highway as well. They are all competing for their piece of the road and it is just crazy. There was one point today that were were going a cross a large marshy area on a long two-lane bridge. For some reason, our driver was not deterred in his affinity for passing slower cars, etc. in front of us. As we're going across this bridge, the car in front of us starts to pass the bus in front of them. I guess they were both going too slow for our driver's liking, cuz he started to try passing both of them at the same time. So here we are three abreast going across a two lane bridge at about 50mph and nothing but oncoming traffic coming straight at us. In addition to the bus and two cars making a moving wall across the road, there were bicycles trying to squeeze past in the very small "shoulders" and refuse to stop, they just keep moving. Today for about 5 hours, I sat in the back seat and witnessed this maniacal driving - wincing and gasping and covering my face at just about every turn. Crazy!

We actually made it back to the hotel at 7:00 tonight. I may actually get to bed before midnight for the first time on this trip.

Adventures in Pondicherry, Day One

This morning I woke up and took in the view from my room. I could see the beach less than 100 yards away. After talking to Cori and the kids, I got dressed and ready to go meet the others for breakfast. I started having a minor panic attack because I couldn't find my passport. I was so freaked out! I even went down the front desk to see if they found it. I took everything out of my suite case and my backpack. I tore apart that room looking for it. Finally, I remembered it was under a stack of books right there on the desk. I've been keeping it in my back pocket with my wallet. Last night I noticed that it was starting to bend and conform to my pocket so I decided to try to flatten it out by putting it under a couple of books. I wish I would have remembered doing that before I ransacked everything trying to find it. :) What a scary 20 minutes that was! After breakfast we went out to the beach and checked out the water. The waves were very high and there were signs posted recommending against swimming. I wasn't planning on getting in the water anyway, but those waves would have been fun to ride - at least the first time. It looked pretty dangerous and it seemed like the undertow could have easily pulled you right out to see. The beach was not very shallow at all.

I spend most of the time walking along looking for sea shells. There were tons of really unique ones. It seems the remains of the tsunami can still be seen. There are piles of trash everywhere. The best part of the day was when we were looking for shells we were approached by a man and his kids. He was selling some beads as well. He was also selling a hand-carved slingshot. It was really well-made and actually shot a rock pretty far. He demonstrated it a few times for me. He was asking 300 rupies for it. That's the equivalent of about $6. I think buying that from him made his week. He let us take pictures of him and his kids. They were very cute and were not afraid to ham it up for the camera. As soon as I snapped the photo, they would run over and want to see their face in the camera display. The man's name was - no clue how to spell this - Daos (???) He pronounced it like "dowse". Anyway he was very nice and it was cool to be able to interact with him and his family. I also snapped a shot of his hut that was maybe 50 yards from the water.

I continue to be amazed at how people live. We are millionaires compared to these people and we don't even know it. We never have to wonder where our next meal will come from or if our hut might blow over one night. Running water, electricity, food - all things we never have to worry about and often blatantly waste.

After the beach, we decided to go into Pondicherry proper and do a bit of site seeing and get some lunch. I made it clear that I was very interested in coming back after lunch and sitting in a hammock and reading or napping or something - just to have some down time.

Much to my disappointment, that never happened. The restaurant we ate at in Pondicherry was in a really nice hotel right on the seawall boulevard near a boardwalk. Everyone else decided that we should stay there tonight instead of going back to the yucky hotel. Even though it was yucky, I was prepared to put up with it because of the relaxation it offered - quiet, outside of town ... did I mention the hammocks? :)

In the end, the orange-rust water coming out of the pipes in the shower, the dirty concrete floors and the one-man cot beds heavily outweighed the hammocks in the minds of my traveling companions.

So instead of going back and relaxing, we went back and packed up all of our stuff and brought it back to this hotel. It definitely is a nice hotel and has all the modern amenities (e.g. internet, clear water, sanitation), but I really had to work on having a good attitude about wasting all that time in the car going back and forth (about 20 minutes each way). So now we're back in the town with street vendors everywhere and car horns honking outside every 30 seconds or so.

If the past few days have taught me anything, its that I never have the right to complain or be ungrateful for anything. I keep wondering to myself, "God, why was I born in America? I could have been born here?" We have no control over what nationality we are or what country we're born into. I'm extremely thankful I was born in America. Only 3 more full days until I start the long journey back home - whoo! I can hardly wait. :)

Adventures in Chennai, Day Three

We went into the office today for about a half day and then started our journey to Pondicherry. Before leaving Chennai, we drove around for quite awhile and took in a bunch of different sites. Driving seems to be a great way to see a lot of areas and get a sense of the culture without actually getting in it. When you walk around, you stand out like a sore thumb, but observing everything from the car allows you to almost be like a fly on the wall. One of the places we stopped before leaving Chennai was a mall - the largest shopping center in the city. This proved to be a fruitful stop, because I was able to pick up a couple of nice souvenirs. Then we drove to the beach and drove along the road that lines the beach area. You usually don't associate goats with beaches, but there were droves of goats all along the beach area and in the streets and around the huts and shanties along the road. A really bizarre sight.

The drive to Pondicherry was supposed to take 3 hours. Our driver took us the scenic route I guess, because it took 7 hours. We made a few pit stops along the way that were pretty interesting.

We visited a Crocodile Farm/Zoo, which was really interesting. There was one big holding area where they had over 450 crocodiles. You could have walked across the whole area stepping on the backs of the crocodiles without ever touching he ground, they were so dense in there. I still have not seen a King Cobra, but seeing those crocodiles was pretty neat. I even got to hold one of the baby crocs.

The next place we stopped was called Tiger Cave. I was pretty excited about this because I thought we'd see some real tigers. They were actually just huge rocks that have tigers engraved in them. It was still neat though because this one area has all these gigantic rock outcroppings. They look really out of place, so it makes for a unique site. The Tiger Cave area was really nicely kept - the only place I have seen grass yet - and it was just on the other side of a small grove of palm trees (and a chain link fence) from the waters of the Bay of Bengal.

A few miles down the road we stopped again at a very large tourist trap attraction. There was a village located right off the highway where there were about 10 historical monuments. We didn't realize that each monument was about a mile separated from one another, so we just went to two monuments that were within walking distance and left. The noteworthy point about this particular stop was the massive numbers of people selling things to all those coming to the monuments.

As soon as I opened the door on my side, there was a lady offering us beads and bracelets. They are relentless, too. They don't take no for an answer. The will just follow you and follow you. I think especially us since as westerners they must know we have money. It is really hard to turn down so many people, but you can't buy everything. In addition to selling merchandise there were dozens of people approaching us offering to be our "guide" to explain all the interesting historical facts about the monuments to us. We were finally able to shed most of the people and make our way to the monument. We actually only stayed about 30 minutes and again were on our way.

After doing all this, we had probably only traveled about 30 of the 165 kilometers and it was starting to get dark. We told the driver no more stops and then settled in for a very long trip. The road from Chennai to Pondicherry is mainly a two lane highway (one lane in each direction) and is actually very busy. Driving during the day can be pretty interesting, but driving at night is actually pretty scary. In addition to the relentless honking, when it gets dark they add in the headlight brights for extra fun. I can't imagine actually driving in those conditions. You have to be constantly vigilant. The driver was continually doing one of three things - honking, passing a slower vehicle or flashing this brights. I can't imagine how stressed I would be if I were driving. :) To make matters worse, along this road, they installed speedbumps every half mile or so. So it was a pretty bumpy drive as well.

Well after dark, we finally pull into the "resort". Sadly, this place was hurt pretty bad from the tsunami 4 years ago. You could tell that this hotel and resort area may have actually been pretty nice at one time. Our waiter told us that the whole first floor of the hotel - from floor up to ceiling - was completely underwater after the tsunami hit. The nice part of the hotel is out back between the hotel and the beach, there is a grassy area with palm trees and banana trees. Hammocks connect all the trees - it seems very quiet and peaceful here. It is far enough away from the main road, so you can't hearing car honks. The room itself is in pretty bad shape, but you can hear the surf breaking on the beach from the room patio. Take the good with the bad I guess. :)

This has been a crazy full day. I am tired and dirty and I don't know if I'll be able to sleep on this bed cot, but it has been very interesting and I've taken some nice photos.

Off to shower and then bed! G'night.

Adventures in Chennai, Day Two

Today was a much less eventful day than yesterday, thankfully. However, I have spent most of the day trying to keep my eyes open. I think the jet lag and lack of sleep and just the difference in time zone are starting to catch up to me. Sleeping has been weird. I can't sleep well. Humidity is very high here and even in my air conditioned room, its cool, but everything has a slight dampness to it, which makes sleeping very uncomfortable. After I finally fall asleep around 2 the past few nights, I toss and turn and then wake up at 6:30am and cannot keep sleeping. I actually feel pretty refreshed when I wake up, but around noon, I am already starting to feel the drowsies. All day today I felt like I was on anti-histamine or something. We got to the offices around 10am and got back to the hotel tonight at 10pm.

Even though I should be hungry by now, I am too tired to eat. Meal times are different here, too. We've been eating lunch at around 2 or 3 everyday. Dinner last night was at around 9:30pm and is non-existent tonight. At home, we usually eat dinner somewhere between 5:30 and 7:00pm. I was told that it would be very rare that anyone eat dinner before 7pm. Part of it is the work schedules. Most people don't get in to the offices until 10am, so they don't get off work until 8 or 9 or later anyway.

It seems the 8-hour shift is a myth that they know nothing about here. I really feel bad for them. We left the offices at 9:30 tonight and no one else had gone home yet. I asked if they got paid by the hour and they do not. They are just accustomed to working long hours - usually 12 hours and are probably happy to just have a job.

Today for lunch we went to an Indian-Thai place. Very interesting. I usually love Thai food, but was not a big fan of anything I ate at this lunch. I was pretty much just eating to not appear like a snob. I heard there is one McDonald's in this city. Good luck finding it, but I could really go for some french fries about right now. :)

Earlier this evening around 7:00pm a few of us took a break to play a game. They were telling me about this game at lunch called Carrom. It is one of the official "sports" of India. This explains what it is. Its kinda like pool but instead of a rectangular table with 6 pockets, you use a square board with 4 pockets. And instead of using balls and cues, you use checkers or "pucks" as they call them and flick them with your finger into the pockets. Its actually quite fun and I really enjoyed playing. It would be fun to get a hold of a Carrom board and continue playing it. Can't buy one here, because its too big to fit in the suitcase, but it would also be neat to try to make one. The one we used was all wood and the checkers were wood. The board has a really fine talcum powder or something on it so the pucks glide smoothly over the wood surface. We played about 5 games and I didn't win any of them, but they were impressed by my "cut shots", as they called it - type of angled bank shot that anyone would use in billiards. It was fun - I hope to play it again sometime before we leave.

I forgot to mention that last night we had a beer with dinner called "Kingfisher". It is the only beer they serve at this hotel and it is an uniquely Indian beer. I was looking at the label and I noticed a little note that said, "Liquor ruins country, family and life." Interesting, isn't it? I guess kinda like the surgeon general's note on a pack of cigarettes. I thought it was interesting though how they didn't say liquor was bad for your health, but bad for your country and life and family. All too often that is absolutely true.

Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Pondicherry, which is about a 3 hour drive south along the coast. It is a resort and that's where we'll spend the weekend. This is the website for the hotel where we'll be staying. Supposedly there are some temples and interesting sites to see along the way. I'm hoping its cleaner and less chaotic there. :)

Sunday afternoon we'll head back to Chennai and get ready for two more days at the office before finally heading home. Part of me - ok, most of me - wants to just fast-forward to next Wednesday when we come home, but I'm trying to enjoy the journey along the way.

I miss home, I miss Cori and the kids terribly. But I also don't want to miss the opportunities to see life through these peoples' eyes. I'm sure I'll keep these memories with me my whole life and they'll impact things I do and think in ways I'd never be able to know otherwise.

My goal was to get to bed before midnight, but here it is 12:05am, so I'm off to go collapse. Good night from half way around the world. :)

Post No Bills

Yesterday as we were driving to lunch, we passed this one area that had a long stucco wall along a sidewalk and on the wall there were all these special sayings, some from Ghandi, and some from the Bible actually. Some were very random like: "God first!" and "You never get a second chance to make a last impression." About every 50 feet or so there was a saying, "Post No Bills". I could not figure out why that one was so popular. I thought for sure there was some neat meaning behind those 3 simple words. It had to be significant, otherwise why would it be so prominent on this "wall of important sayings" or whatever it was.

After spending a good 5 or so minutes taking turns guessing what significance this could have and probably making complete fools of ourselves, the driver told us that Post No Bills means "Don't write or post anything here." Duh. They just wanted to leave some blank areas every 50 feet or so and didn't want it covered up with ads, playbills or posters, which seem to cover so many public areas like wallpaper.

We found it funny that we thought this was some deep cultural meaning and it was just a notice to "keep this area blank". Are we trying too hard to get into the culture or what? :)

Adventures in Chennai, Day One

We were allowed to come into work late today - around noon - so that we could catch up on some sleep and some emails before going into the office. So we all met for a late breakfast at around 10:00am this morning. The breakfast was a buffet. The selection was interesting. Ever get the craving for some good baked beans for breakfast? Well, you could get that here. Also there were all kinds of cereals and yogurts and juices and muffins. I didn't have the guts to try the Mango Flakes cereal - or any of the cereal for that matter, because I wasn't 100% sure that it was cow's milk. :) I ended up eat some good hashbrown potato-like things with some muffins and juice. I also had some rice and potato sauce stuff that was very spicy and more suited for lunch or dinner.

After breakfast, the day got real interesting in a hurry. Our driver wasn't schedule to pick us up until 11:30am meaning we had about an hour to kill. So Dave and I decided to take a walk around the block. Bad idea. It started out fine. We were walking along some type of sidewalk along this really busy street. Cars, rickshaws, motorcycles and bikes all coming and going buzzing past made it very crazy. We walked along crumbling "sidewalks", stepping over trash, sleeping dogs and even some downed power lines that only we seemed to be worried about.

The abject poverty is striking. I've never seen so much trash and rubbish - its everywhere. It collects in gutters, in bushes and accumulates in large heaps every now and then along sidewalks and sometimes even in the street.

As we continue our walk, we thinking it a good idea to turn off on a less busy street and start heading back toward our hotel, thinking we were going "around the block". As if there are blocks. :) We walk along and take pictures. I started feeling very awkward with my camera out, so I put it away. I felt like I was intruding into their lives and taking something from them, even if it was just a digital image. I felt like I needed to explain to them that I am not looking down on them, I just want to take a picture to share with my family and friends when I get home so they can see what I saw. Instead I feel like they are thinking that the purpose of me taking a picture is only to have proof that they are poverty-stricken.

It was around this time that I realized that Dave and I are really not blending well with the environment. How could we? I've got on my Adobe Creative Suite shirt and jeans and tennis shoes, sunglasses and "orange hair!". No one else has orange hair, pale skin or even clean clothes. There is no blending in. No ability to be a fly on the wall.

As we take another turn to head back to the hotel, we realize that this street is even smaller and is getting narrower by the step. Its turned into just an alley really. I walked past maybe 30 stray dogs along the way. Stray dogs are everywhere and they all look alike. There seems to only be one breed of dog in this city - except for the police dogs that sniff for car bombs every time we are stopped and inspected as we enter the hotel gates. Yeah, nice.

Back to the alley. More trash. Shanties line up and down both sides of the alley. There is no way these places have electricity or running water. At one point, I walked past an old lady that must have been in her 60's or 70's curled up in the fetal position laying right on the ground in front of her shanty. I assumed it was hers, maybe not.

Around this time, I start realizing that we just need to get the heck out of there. Maybe it was my imagination, but I got the distinct feeling that we were not welcome there. One teenage boy, maybe 17 or 18 was riding his bike down the alley and when he saw us coming he stopped and turned his bike sideways in the alley to block our path. As we got closer and he could tell we were going around him, he moved it in front of us again. I had to literally grab his bike tire and move it out of my way. Everything in me was screaming, "Run!" The hamstring I pulled playing football on Thanksgiving day wouldn't have let me, but I felt the urge for sure.

The odd thing is that all along our walk we have not ventured further than a half mile from our hotel. And we could see it most of the time, just not sure which road or alley way would lead us back there. Finally, Dave spots the main road that goes in front of our hotel. The only problem is that its not really very accessible. There is a small walkway that many people are walking through that would normally be a piece of cake to walk through and get back on the main road. Only because of the many days of rain they had here last week, this little dirt walkway is now a creek. That does not prevent the locals from just sloshing through murky water and mud. But, um, I'm wearing my tennis shoes. I really like these tennis shoes and really don't want to get them muddy. Dave and I try to traverse the edge of the water where its not muddy but the weeds and reeds are so tall, its impossible.

We had to try both sides of the "creek" and finally make our way through some tall grass without actually walking in water. As we get back out on the main road I realize our shoes are completely muddy and even our pant legs have splatters of mud all over them. So we're muddy and our feet are wet and its very hot and humid. I'm really trying not to let the muddy shoes thing bother me as we walk back to the hotel. Suddenly, I get this idea in my head that people are saying, "You think you can come to this city and not get dirty? We live in this dirt." After thinking that, I didn't worry as much about the muddy shoes and just became very thankful for everything I have.

Keep in mind I haven't even gone to work yet. My day has only begun. Thankfully, the rest of the day was pretty tame compared to that experience.

We arrived at the Lister Technologies, Inc. offices to meet the people doing all of our offshore development. I've talked to some of these people on the phone and have had IM and email conversations with them. It is nice to finally meet them in person. They are very happy to see us. Again, I am surprised by the poor conditions of the building, the restrooms and the cubicle area. We have so much to be thankful for. After a few meetings, lunch, more meetings and working awhile, we finally left work at around 8:00pm.

One of the guys offers to give us a driving tour of the city. So all 5 of us pile into his little hatchback car and he drives us around for over an hour. Its already dark but very interesting to see the sights. I see more stray dogs everywhere and traffic is in peak chaos mode. If I had to drive in this traffic, I know I would cause many accidents. I don't know how they drive in this traffic and really don't seem to really be bothered by it all. We also counted at least 5 people that were going to the bathroom right there on the side of the road. Not in a dark alley or in a ditch somewhere, but right out there in the open standing maybe 3 feet from speeding vehicles and thousands of people on foot everywhere.

We were told that Chennai has over 5 million people. I don't how they ever get an accurate number given that so many people seem to just live on the streets and in little shanties that cannot possibly have addresses - I cannot fathom how they go about getting a census, but I'll take their word for it. This city is huge, sprawling, crowded, chaotic and dirty.

After driving around the city, we are dropped off at our hotel and can again enter an oasis of marble floors, rich food and clean rooms. We ate dinner at the hotel restaurant and then I came up to my room finally at 11:15pm. What a day! Talking to Cori and the kids on the video chat after a day like that was definitely the highlight of the day.

Now I'm ready for bed and Day Two. I think tomorrow I'll steer clear of those back alleys. :)

Getting There

We finally made it to Chennai last night (Tuesday) just past midnight. I didn't get to bed until about 2:00am and since I couldn't sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time on the plane rides, that meant I hadn't slept since Sunday night. Weird to think of it like that. However, I woke up this morning after only 5 or so hours of sleep and felt pretty refreshed. Maybe I was just excited to talk to Cori and the kids via iChat video call. Modern technology is awesome and on the Mac, its even better. It was so great to talk and see Cori and the kids. I love you guys so much! :)

So the flight from Dallas to DC was pretty uneventful. Changed terminals, etc in DC pretty efficiently and met up with the rest of the traveling party - Alicia, Dave and Joe.

The trip from DC to Brussels was 9 hours and it went by pretty quickly thanks to in-flight movies and a good book. The plane was pretty big - a 747 I think - but the space between the rows was REALLY cramped. My knees hit the seat in front of me and my backpack didn't really fit under my seat. I was pretty surprised about this since when we flew American back in 2002 to London our seats/rows were very roomy. I guess United is different, or at least this particular plane was.

We arrived in Brussels at about 7:00am and got kinda lost trying to get to our next gate. We went through security 2 times, but it worked out well since we had plenty of time. For breakfast, I had a bottled water, a cellophane-wrapped waffle and a Stella Artois beer. They actually served beer at this little "starbucks-like" deli thing at the airport. Crazy! When in Rome ... :) The beer was pretty good but the waffle tasted like a Honey Bun and was way too sweet. Memorable, nonetheless.

The next part of the flight from Brussels to Chennai was on Jet Airways. Now that is a nice airline. I was really impressed. Even though we weren't in first class, we felt like it. Plus there was plenty of leg room and a state of the art video/audio system. A nice meal, too. I still couldn't sleep on that flight. I really tried, because I knew my body needed sleep, but its just really hard for me to sleep sitting up. Every time I dozed off a baby would cry or the plane would bump and I'd be jostled awake.

The itinerary says that it was a 9 hour flight from Brussels to Chennai. I guess that's technically correct, but my body clock knew different. We boarded the plane at 10:00am and got off the plane a little after midnight. I think my body clock calculated that as 14 hours and it felt every bit of it. I'm glad it was a much nicer plane, because it was a looooong flight.

The screen provided in front of every seat for watching movies also shows a map and some flying data like air speed, outside temperature, altitude, etc. The map was really interested because it showed several different views - from global level to a regional, zoomed-in view. That stuff is always interesting to me. I couldn't help feel a little uneasy as I noticed we were flying over Turkey, Iraq, Iran, the edge of Afghanistan and then Pakistan on our way to India.

When we got off the plane last night, we went down the steps directly onto the tarmac in the hazy, humid night air. The first thing I noticed was the smell. Things don't smell to good here. :)

Going through security and customs was easy and I'm thankful for that. Not a bad experience and it went quickly. As we walked out the airport to find our driver, all I saw were what seemed like thousands of people waiting just outside the doors and in the parking lot - people were everywhere. I wondered why so many people were at the airport at 1:00am. Getting from the front doors to our car and then out of the airport parking lot was like trying to leave Texas Stadium after a Cowboys game. Just so many people.

Two things I noticed as we were making our way to the car through the parking lot. Trash and honking. Litter is everywhere. Also, I heard more car horns honking in the first 3 minutes than I have in the past year in Texas. It seems like honking your horn in the U.S. is a last resort if you really need to get someone's attention. Here, its like all the cars are having a conversation as they go about the business of navigating the parking lots, byways and roads.

We finally made it to the hotel at around 1:45am last night. We're staying at the Courtyard by Marriott and it is very nice. I'm thankful for it, especially after seeing some of the places along they way from the airport.

I have a feeling my eyes are going to be opened to how much we really have in the U.S. Everyone already knows we have a lot compared to other countries, but I don't think I realize the scope of that yet. I got a taste of it last night and I'm sure that will expand. My heart is already full of thankfulness.

Right now its Wednesday morning. We're not going into the office until close to noon today, so I've got time to catch up on emails and do this. :)

Today will be the first real day in India. Looking forward to seeing how it goes and at the same time, I'm already longing for home. /cm


Things I am thankful for this past year:

  1. God's love and grace
  2. A beautiful, intelligent, caring and selfless wife
  3. 3 awesome and fun kids
  4. A well-paying job that allows me to do what I love for a living
  5. Working from home
  6. My brother and his wife moved back to Texas
  7. Loving parents-in-law and a loving mom
  8. Playing chess with Gavin and Bennett
  9. Garage soccer with the kids
  10. Chloe being a big helper while cooking
  11. Good health
  12. Good friends
  13. Family game nights
  14. The neighborhood swimming pool
  15. A full pantry
  16. Books
  17. Quiet times with Cori
  18. Freedom to homeschool
  19. Freedom to not go to church
  20. Starbucks with Matt and lunches with Christian
  21. Our new car
  22. my iPhone
  23. my MacBook Pro
  24. Watching shows and football games on delay via our DVR

I'm also thankful for all the good food I plan on eating tomorrow. And a victory in the 2nd Annual Mallott-Rogers Thanksgiving Day Football Game. :)


Seems like I'm constantly being remind of how many things I take for granted in this life. Last week I went to the health clinic to get some immunization shots for my trip to India. I definitely take for granted the healthcare system we have here in the United States. Its not perfect, by any means, but looking at all the color-coded disease zoned world maps at the health clinic reminded me that the U.S. is a very safe place to live. On these maps, anything shaded in white was "safe" whereas varying shades of pink/red indicated danger areas. The only areas in the whole world that were consistently white were U.S., Canada, Australia and parts of Eastern/Northern Europe. Anywhere else in the world and you are at risk for contracting horrible diseases such as Hepatitis, Typhoid and Polio - many of which we are immunized against as babies in the U.S.

So when the doctor started reviewing all the grim and grisly ways I might contract a disease, I actually started to have a little bit of fear. I was thinking, "Load me up with whatever I need, cuz the last thing I want is go over there and get freaking Hepatitis!"

I received 5 shots &8212; Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Influenza and Polio. I also got a prescription for Malaria medication.

There are many ways we can die during a routine day here in America, but I am thankful that immunization is state-of-the-art. My heart goes out to those around the world that don't have that luxury.

I'm going on a trip and I'm taking ...

Remember the game we used to play as kids to make the time go by faster during long road trips? Well, I'm going on a trip to Chennai, India the first 10 days of December and I thought I would make a little list of the things I'm bringing with me. I don't want to be a pack mule, but I also want to make sure I bring "enough" for a trip half way across the world.

I'll be flying from DFW to Dulles to meet up with my boss and two others. Then we fly from Dulles to Brussels, Belgium — a 9-hour flight. After a 3 hour layover, we fly from Brussels to Chennai — another 9-hour flight. We'll work in the offices in Chennai for 3 days then travel to Pondicherry on the weekend. Pondicherry is some sort of resort town near the beach and is supposedly pretty nice. Then we go back to Chennai to work for two more days before coming home.

The following are things I'll be cramming into my backpack:


  • Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season
  • I am the Messenger, by Markus Zusak
  • The Elements of User Experience, by Jesse James Garrett
  • Transcending CSS, by Andy Clarke
  • Don't Make Me Think, by Steve Krug (this one's not for me to read, but to give to one of the guys in India trying to learn about Web Design)

I hope I'm not bringing too many books. I hate to load down my backpack with superfluous stuff, but the last thing I want is to be stranded on an airplane with nothing to read.


  • Minority Report
  • Matrix Reloaded
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Office Space

I am borrowing these movies from my brother. I haven't seen any of them. Hopefully they'll provide a nice mental reprieve when I need a break from reading.


Of course, I'm bringing my MacBook Pro, my extra mouse and battery charger. Also bringing my iPhone and charger. I plan on taking some good pictures with our digital camera. I've never taken it on any of my trips, so I'm a little nervous that I'll forget I have it and miss some good photo ops. i also don't want to lose or break it.


Passport, sunglasses, business cards, gum. Maybe a couple of good articles printed off the internet and maybe a Sports Illustrated or two.

I'll probably bring a full size suitcase, but haven't even thought about packing it yet. I think its relatively warm, but not hot, over there this time of year, so hopefully I won't need to worry about a jacket. The typical jeans, t-shirt and running shoes outfit will probably be standard for me over there.

I'm very curious about what I'll be bringing back with me. I plan on getting souvenirs of some sort for Cori and the kids but no idea yet. I joked earlier that I'd bring a King Cobra back for Bennett. :)

Am I forgetting anything important? Any recommendations?